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Project Name:

Nursing Homes, Queens and Brooklyn, New York

Started: October 2016

Completed: December 2018


Project Type:

Local Law 87 Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning


Scope of Work:

Conducted an ASHRAE Level II assessment of two nursing homes. The audit included utility analysis and energy benchmarking, site visits and identification of cost-effective energy-saving improvements. We evaluated existing conditions and the operability of major systems, including lighting, ventilation, HVAC, boiler plant, chiller plant, and commercial kitchen equipment. We reviewed existing drawings, interviewed facility personnel, and installed data loggers to measure temperature and humidity.


Retro-commissioning services included verification that the HVAC systems in the facilities were installed per design intent, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained per the current facility requirements. We also filed relevant forms with the NYC Department of Buildings to satisfy the LL87 reporting requirements.



At one site the sequence of operation and equipment layout of the cogeneration system were incorrect. We observed simultaneous dumping of cogeneration heat and boiler operation during the heating season. At another site some of the rooftop units and one of the chillers had reached the end of their useful life. Our reports included recommendations on upgrading the preventive maintenance plan and bolstering the inadequate ventilation in patient rooms and corridors. We estimated that installation of condensing boilers, high-efficiency chillers and outdoor reset controls would reduce energy usage by 34 percent.

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