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Project Name:

NYCHA/Con Edison Brooklyn Queens Demand Management

Started: July 2015

Completed: September 2015

Project Type:

Multifamily Site Visit & Feasibility Study

•Feasibility study for implementation of specific technologies and technical approaches to improve energy efficiency

•Portfolio-wide data study and analysis, i.e., detailed end-use breakdowns

•Technical potential analysis of portfolio-wide implementation of system-specific technologies and protocols

•Energy and water audit walk-throughs of specific NYCHA buildings

Scope of Work:

The goal of the NYCHA/Con Edison BQDM Phase 1 project was to find ways to reduce peak electrical demand in NYCHA apartments, common areas and non-residential sites. Agarabi Engineering, serving as a consultant to Enterprise Community Partners, conducted walk-through energy audits in eight NYCHA developments in the BQDM area. A secondary objective of the study was to identify other energy efficiency opportunities. We inspected stairwells, lobbies, corridors, exterior facades and roofs, along with light fixtures and ventilation systems in several vacant apartments. Inspected central heating and DHW systems to identify other operations and maintenance issues. Agarabi Engineering evaluated the feasibility and timeline of installing the measures recommended in its audit report in a representative NYCHA building.


Agarabi Engineering assisted the audit team in identifying electricity conservation measures estimated to result in a summer peak demand reduction of 12 MW by June 2018, with annual savings of over $10 million. During the site visits, Agarabi Engineering also determined that in-apartment air-sealing and ventilation upgrades would reduce stack effect, reduce moisture issues and improve indoor air quality.

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